
Issue of Vostok/Oriens for 2017 year

№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6

2017 year's №2

Basharin P. Views on Iblis in Early Sufism: the problem of free will and predestination

Lapteva M. Achaemenids and Eastern Greek Tyrants: political status and relationships (546–480 BCE)

Pak A. The first Protestant missionaries in Korea (1832–1884)

Sablin I. , Korobeynikov A. Pre-Soviet autonomism in Siberia and Central Asia: Buryat-Mongolia and Alash in the context of imperial crisis

Mikhalev A. Russian diaspora in Mongolia: stages of forming frontier religiosity

Krotova M. Orientalists-Interpreters at the Service of the Chinese Eastern Railway

Koltyga O. Philippine metrical romance: history and characteristics of the genre (eighteenth–nineteenth centuries)

Mossaki N. The position of the Kurdish organizations of Turkey about the “Circassian issue” (Based on the analysis of Kurdish-language mass media sources)

Kostenko Y. Israel’s regional strategy: The search for allies

Gavrisova T. The African autobiography: accumulation of memory or history from the first person

Filonik A. Flimsy grounds of the Islamic economy

Salitsky A. , Alekseeva E. China in the vineyards of automatation

Kosenko E. On the role of the Moroccan dialect in the modern intercultural society

Kolganova G. Ways, directions and levels of reconstruction of cultural and historical reality-2015 Conference Review

Goriaeva L. Sixth Conference “Written sources of the Orient: translation and interpretation problems” (2016)

Panarina D. Russian Diasporas in the Old World’s countries-2016: Conference review

Dubyanskaya T. Thing and Utility-2016: Conference review

Bibikova O. , Tsvetkova N. Economic, socio-political, and ethno-confessional problems in Asia and Africa-2016: Conference review

Orlova K. , Grayvoronsky V. , Khishigt N. Russia and Mongolia: History, Challenges of the Twenty First Century, Perspectives-2016: Conference review

Kazarian R. New directions of Russian-Korean cooperation-2016: Conference review

Pak A. The Korean Peninsula in the time of transition-2016: Conference review

Drobyshev Y. Review of: R.Iu. Pochekaev. Uzurpatory i samozvantsy “stepnykh imperii”. Istoriia tiurksko-mongol'skikh gosudarstv v perevorotakh, mi-atezhakh i inostrannykh zavoevaniiakh. Saint Pe-tersburg: Evraziia, 2016. 378 pp.

Tishin V. Review of: A.V. Kubatin. Sistema titulov v Tiurkskom kaga-nate: genezis i preemstvennost'. Tashkent: Yangi nashr, 2016. 192 pp.

Chvyr L. Review of: D.S. Raevskii, S.V. Kullanda, M.N. Pogrebova. Vizual'nyi fol'klor. Poetika skifskogo zverinogo stilia. 2nd Ed. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS. 2016. 190 pp.

Burov V. Review of: Novyi shelkovyi put' i ego znachenie dlia Rossii. Moscow, De Li plius, 2016. 234 pp.

Rybalkina I. Review of: Jean-Pierre Dozon. Les Clefs de la crise ivoirienne. Paris: Karthala, 2011. 143 pp.

Shokhrat Khodzhakovitsh Kadyrov (1954–2016): Obituary

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