
Issue of Vostok/Oriens for 2016 year

№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6

2016 year's №3

Karlova K. The Winged Seth and His Connection to the Solar Deity

Mironova A. The Ancient Egyptian feast of Renenutet

Pronina Y. The architecture of the funeral complex of Pepi I

Vetokhov S. The building corner marks in the shafts of the late Dynasty V and Dynasty VI at Giza: notes on the preliminary planning of the Egyptian rock-cut tombs of the Old Kingdom

Yarmolovich V. The Egyptian Diadems of the Old Kingdom: the use of imitation objects in funerary equipment

Nesterova E. Representations of the Great Khan’s role and of the Supreme Power among the Mongols in the Early Thirteenth Century

Molodiakov V. American voyagers look Taiwan under the Japanese Rule

Saraev A. Whose works we read under the name of Lev N. Gumilev?

Drugov A. Indonesian democracy: test for maturity

Oganisyan L. US and EU policies toward Tunisia: support of democratization

Zharikov M. Internalization of Indian rupee

Filonik A. The Islamic capital in the field of market activity

Kulikov A. Archimandrite Palladius’ Diary for 1858: A Note on the History of Its Publication

Dmitriev S. XLV Conference “Society and the State in China”

Shaumyan T. , Kuzmin S. , Badmaev V. , Ulanov M. Buddhism in the dialogue of Eastern and Western cultures: past, present, and future

Kameneva M. Iran in the second decade of the twenty first century: challenges and perspectives

Zherlitsyna N. XIV Russian School of Young Africanists

Pakhomova M. History of Oriental studies: traditions and tendencies

Rybalkina I. Foreign historiography of the family problem in Africa: A historiographic survey

Safarov M. Review of: F.A. Asadullin. Mir islama v obshchestvenno-kul'turnom prostranstve Moskvy: opyt proshlogo i sovremennost’. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, 2015, 228 pp.

Anchabadze Y. Review of: Stranitsy istorii i kul’tury evreev Gruzii. (po sledam ekspeditsii 2013 g.). Ed. M. Chlenov. Moscow: Tsentr “Sefer”; Institute of Slavic Studies, RAS, 2014, 136 pp.

Goriaeva L. Review of: Katalog Naskah Pecenongan Koleksi Per-pustakaan Nasional. Sastra Betawi Akhir Abad ke-19. Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia, 2013

Zabrovskaya L. Review of: O.V. D’iakova. Gosudarstvo Bokhai: arkheologiia, istoriia, politika. Moscow: Vostochnaia literatura, 2014, 319 pp., ill.

Obituary: Irina Vasil’evna Borolina (1927–2015)

Obituary: Liudmila Fedorovna Pakhomova (1931–2016)

Obituary: Elena Nikolaevna Uspenskaya (1957–2015)

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