
Poetry shi 詩 in cultural and political space of the early Zhou epoch

Marina Kravtsova

Vostok/Oriens '2016, №4

The article is focused on the discussion of origins and initial formative stage of poetry (shi) as one of the components of the Ancient Chinese state artistic activities and in the aspect of the “learning of shi” (shixue) theory aroused within the framework of the Confucian (Ru school Rujia) thought. The author argues, that these views on poetry were modeled after the “musical concept” (yue), which has attached religious, nature philosophic meanings and socially significant functions to musical arts. The process of transfer of such attitudes on poetry, which, apparently, had its own origins (ancient ritual recitation), was contributed much by the creation of the famous Confucian Shijing (“Classic of Poetry”) anthology, which brought together, as a matter of fact, the previous musical and poetic tradition.

Keywords: China, Zhou epoch, state artistic activities, musical arts, concept of music, ancient poetry, Confucian thought, learning of shi, Shijing

Pages: С. 104–119

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