
Medieval deep sea shipwrecks in the waters of the Crimea

Victor Lebedinski , Viktor Vakhoneev

Vostok/Oriens '2016, №5

The article is devoted to the investigations of three medieval ship-wrecks in the waters of the Crimea, discovered at a depth more than 80 m. Modern technologies were applied and comprehensive analysis of sunken archaeological material was initiated. The first shipwreck, Chersoneses-A, is dated to the tenth–eleventh centuries due to the safety of the cargo jars of the Taman type. The second shipwreck, Foros Byzantine, is dated to the thirteenth century on the basis of the amphorae materials and radiocarbon analysis. The third shipwreck was found in 2015 on the near Balaklava and dated the first half of the eleventh century.

Keywords: shipwreck, deep sea research, underwater archaeology, Taman type jars, medieval amphorae

Pages: С. 72–84

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