Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»


2018 year's №1

Zakharov A. The Orient, Marxism, and Marginalism: A Stranger’s Notes

Krikh S. Academician Nikolai M. Nikolskii and the struggle for understanding of the social structure of the ancient Near Eastern societies

Kuzmin S. Serfdom and clerical feudal lords in pre-Revolutionary Mongolia?

Ilyushina M. , Zelenev E. The Mamluk sultanate and the Karaman emirate: international relations and the fitnah concept

Kiba D. Mission of the Soviet Information Bureau in Japan in 1946–1952: the difficulties of Soviet advocacy under the American occupation

Streifer B. The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Through the Eyes of Prof. Bunsaku Arakatsu

Korotayev A. , Yuryev S. Remarks on current educational systems in the Arab world

Moskalets O. Al-Azhar and political processes in Egypt in the modern history

Rybalkina I. Characteristics of family-marital relations in the North African countries (the case of Algeria)

Filonik A. , Isaev V. Russia and Saudi Arabia in the context of economic relations

Neglinskaya M. The Garden of Peace and Harmony: dialogue of two ages

Schmidt W. Germany's struggle for the return of former German East Africa (Tanganyika) during the Weimar Republic (1919–1933)

Skovoronskikh M. “Biographies of Recluses” in the Dainhon-Shi: research notes and a translation

Rashkovskiy B. “Before Genovese…”: A letter of Abraham Firkovich to Prince Mikhail S. Vorontsov about the origins of Crimean Karaite community

Rudenko N. Ritual propriety freedom manifesto: Li Zhi’s “Explanation of the Four ‘Do Not’ ”

Shavialiou D. 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies (2017)

Lebedinski V. , Pronina Y. Connections of the Crimea with the Near Eastern countries (2017)

Stolyarov A. International Convention of Asia Scholars-10 (Chiang Mai, 2017): Russian and South Asian issues

Rudenko N. A Conference of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy in Vilnius, Lithuania, 2016

Bibikova O. , Tsvetkova N. Economic, socio-political, and ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African nations (2017)

Kamenev S. Pakistan: history and current challenges (2017)

Yakovlev A. Review of: Religiia i obshchestvo na Vostoke. Issue 1. 2017. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2017.

Denisova T. Review of: L.M. Sadovskaia. Vlast' i oppozitsiia v afrikanskom obshchestve v kontse XX – nachale XXI v. (na primere Senegala i Kot-d’Ivuara). Moscow: Institute of African Studies, 2017, 152 pp.

Shlenskaya S. Review of: T.S. Denisova. Tropicheskaia Afrika: evoliutsiia politicheskogo liderstva. Moscow: Institute of African Studies, 2016. 596 pp.

Neglinskaya M. Review of: S.A. Serova. Teatral’na:a kul’tura Serebrianogo veka v Rossii i khudozhestvennye traditsii Vostoka (Kitai, India, Japoniia). Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2017. 2nd ed. 416 pp., ill.

Chesnokova N. Review of: Iu.V. Vanin. Sovetskii Soiuz i Severnaia Koreia, 1945–1948. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2016. 225 pp.

Lourié B. Review of: Amsalu Tefera, The Ethiopian Homily on the Ark of the Covenant; Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of Dǝrsanä Ṣǝyon. Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity (TSEC), vol. 5; Leiden—Boston: Brill, 2015, XVI, 286 pp.

Stolbova O. Review of: H. Jungraithnayr & M. Holubovа. The Ngas Language: Fundaments of Grammar. Texts. Dictionary. Berlin: Reimer, 2016, 261 pp.