Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
2018 year's №1
Zakharov A. The Orient, Marxism, and Marginalism: A Stranger’s Notes
Kuzmin S. Serfdom and clerical feudal lords in pre-Revolutionary Mongolia?
Ilyushina M. , Zelenev E. The Mamluk sultanate and the Karaman emirate: international relations and the fitnah concept
Streifer B. The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Through the Eyes of Prof. Bunsaku Arakatsu
Korotayev A. , Yuryev S. Remarks on current educational systems in the Arab world
Moskalets O. Al-Azhar and political processes in Egypt in the modern history
Rybalkina I. Characteristics of family-marital relations in the North African countries (the case of Algeria)
Filonik A. , Isaev V. Russia and Saudi Arabia in the context of economic relations
Neglinskaya M. The Garden of Peace and Harmony: dialogue of two ages
Skovoronskikh M. “Biographies of Recluses” in the Dainhon-Shi: research notes and a translation
Rashkovskiy B. “Before Genovese…”: A letter of Abraham Firkovich to Prince Mikhail S. Vorontsov about the origins of Crimean Karaite community
Rudenko N. Ritual propriety freedom manifesto: Li Zhi’s “Explanation of the Four ‘Do Not’ ”
Shavialiou D. 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies (2017)
Lebedinski V. , Pronina Y. Connections of the Crimea with the Near Eastern countries (2017)
Stolyarov A. International Convention of Asia Scholars-10 (Chiang Mai, 2017): Russian and South Asian issues
Rudenko N. A Conference of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy in Vilnius, Lithuania, 2016
Bibikova O. , Tsvetkova N. Economic, socio-political, and ethno-confessional problems of Asian and African nations (2017)
Kamenev S. Pakistan: history and current challenges (2017)
Yakovlev A. Review of: Religiia i obshchestvo na Vostoke. Issue 1. 2017. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2017.
Neglinskaya M. Review of: S.A. Serova. Teatral’na:a kul’tura Serebrianogo veka v Rossii i khudozhestvennye traditsii Vostoka (Kitai, India, Japoniia). Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2017. 2nd ed. 416 pp., ill.
Chesnokova N. Review of: Iu.V. Vanin. Sovetskii Soiuz i Severnaia Koreia, 1945–1948. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2016. 225 pp.
Stolbova O. Review of: H. Jungraithnayr & M. Holubovа. The Ngas Language: Fundaments of Grammar. Texts. Dictionary. Berlin: Reimer, 2016, 261 pp.