Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»


Santokh Singh Dhardeo and his role in history of the Gadar Party

Nadezhda Zhirova

Vostok/Oriens '2018, №3

DOI: 10.31857/S086919080000047-8

The article outlines the activities and destiny of a little-known leader of the national freedom and communist movement of India Santokh Singh Dhardeo, a general secretary of the nationalist Hindustan Gadar party. Santokh was one of the founders of the organization and one of the key members of the so-called "Hindu-German conspiracy" 1915–1917, but his active work began after 1919. His main achievements were the reorganization of the Gadar party and the attempt of its ideological reorientation, the establishment of relations with the Comintern and foundation of the Indian center of the Gadar party, an important component of which was the establishment of the Marxist newspaper “Kirti”.

Keywords: Gadar party, Kirti, national freedom movement, India, Panjab, Comintern

Pages: С. 76–83