Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»


The symbolism of the Frog on the triumphal rod of Ramses II

Anna Volovich

Vostok/Oriens '2018, №5

DOI: 10.31857/S086919080001850-2

The article concerns the semantics of the frog sign on a triumphal rod in a scene of ritual coronation of Ramses II during the Valley Festival. The article examines reliefs and accompanying texts from the temples of the New Kingdom that reflect the ritual coronation ceremonies during the Feast of the Valley, Opet and Heb-sed rituals. The author considers some images of a triumphal rod without frog symbol in coronations scenes during these feasts, and compares the statements of the gods in these scenes and in the scenes with a frog symbol at the triumphal rod. The author defines the semantics of the frog symbol at the triumphal rod. She also asks whether the symbol affects the role of the rod in coronation ritual, and whether the ritual context changes.

Keywords: New Kingdom, frog symbol in Ancient Egypt, the triumphal rod, the Feast of the Valley, the hypostyle hall of the Karnak Temple, the ritual of coronation

Pages: С. 74–86