Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
The pyramid complex of Pepi I Merire: a historic and cultural essay
DOI: 10.31857/S086919080001851-3
Pyramid complex of Pepi I Merire is an important archaeological monument. Despite long years of its study, it has kept many secrets. In the pyramid of Pepi I for the first time fragments of texts were found that refuted the theory of “mute” pyramids. The last few years of its examination have brought new important discoveries. Many problems related to the complex study still remain unresolved. It may be explained by the multi-layered symbolism of this archaeological complex, reflecting the worldview of the ancient Egyptians. For many centuries the pyramid complex of Pepi I was a place of special worship, up to the period of the New Kingdom. Its importance in the cultural tradition of Egypt was large. The name of the pyramid of Pepi I later became one of the names of the most ancient capital - Memphis. Analysis of all the architectural elements that formed the funeral complex of Pepi I, allows classifying it as a “classical” type. It is possible to distinguish distinctive features of this monument, and first of all that the texts paint the entire sacred space of the pyramid. The walls of all the chambers of the Pepi I pyramid, except for the cellar-serdab, are covered with inscriptions. The peculiarity of the complex is a unique display of historical realities in the temple reliefs, as well as in the Pyramid Texts and in architectural design. The article attempts a holistic interpretation of the monument reconstructing the relationship of its architecture, reliefs, and texts.
Keywords: Ancient Egypt, funeral complex, Pepi I Merire, Texts of pyramids, Queen Anhnespepi, Queen Behenu
Pages: С. 87–95