Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»


About the divinity of the personality of the Dead in the Pyramid Texts

Olga Zubova

Vostok/Oriens '2018, №5

DOI: 10.31857/S086919080001852-4

The Pyramid Texts contain one of the most important Egyptian ideas about an afterlife destiny of humans – their deification. These texts claim that the dead is Osiris-the King or Osiris-like. The dead is the god Atum and/or the son of Atum who enfolds him in his embrace. The dead King becomes Atum, or completeness/totality of any god. At the same time he does not lose his own personality and his own name. The King as Atum was considered born in primordial times, in Nun, “when the sky had not yet come into being, when the earth had not yet come into being”. So it is one of the pledges of his immortality. In my opinion, in Ancient Egypt the blessed dead and not only the King as the Pyramid Texts claim, was considered as having non-contradictory divine and a unique human nature. These ancient Egyptian ideas may be closely related to the Christian conception of apotheosis and resurrection.

Keywords: Ancient Egypt, Pyramid Texts, Theosophy, Horus, Osiris, Atum (-Ra)

Pages: С. 96–102