Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»


Fashoda Crisis of 1898 and Russian Diplomacy

Anna Ayvasyan

Vostok/Oriens '2013, №2

The Fashoda crisis is widely known as a serious colonial conflict between Great Britain and France. Diplomatic battle for domination in Sudan at first sight, the Fashoda crisis was in reality provoked by France willing to revise the Egyptian question. Russia, France’s ally, fed French plans for revision in Egypt but at the most important moment, when France was facing a potential war with England, Russian diplomacy stayed neutral. Finally the Fashoda incident caused a crisis in Franco-Russian relations. Disappointed by Russian indifference, France began to converge with Great Britain: in 1904 the entente cordiale was signed by these two powers.

Keywords: Fashoda crisis, Egyptian question, Russian diplomacy, Le Quai d’Orsay, Franco-Russian alliance, entente cordiale

Pages: С. 32–39