
(?). Miitary-Political Relations of East Caucasus Huns and Attila

Igor Semyonov

Vostok/Oriens '2013, №4

I suppose that the “Rosmosoks” of “History of Ałwank‛” (“History of Albans”; 1. 28–30) are identical to the European Huns, and Prince Theophil referred to in this source was a ruler of the East Caucasus Huns (Honk‛). The East Caucasus Huns were not included into the military and political core of the European Huns. They ranked subordinate in the Hun’s State. The Hun’s raid on South Caucasus referring to in the “History of Ałwank‛” should have happened in 442. The “King of the Rosmosoks” who led this attack may be identified with Heran of an Armenian writer Ełiše and with Ernakh of Priscus (Irnik of Iordan).

Keywords: Rosmosoks, Huns, East Caucasus Huns (Honk‛), Attila, Theophil, Heran, Ernakh

Pages: С. 38–44

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