
Orthodox Greek Community in Tunisia under the Auspices of the Russian Empire (Based on the Materials from the Archives of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire)

Natalya Zherlitsyna

Vostok/Oriens '2014, №6

The article focuses on the history of patronage, which had provided the Russian Empire to the Orthodox Greek community in Tunisia in the 18th and 19th centuries. Patronage to the Orthodox population of the Ottoman Empire was one of the most important tasks in the eastern politics of the Russian Empire. The intention to defend the Orthodox Greeks helped to establish the Russian consulate in Tunisia in 1869. The number of the Greek community in Tunisia in the 19th century was from 400 to 1200 people, they were mainly engaged in trade. Russian consuls in Tunisia defended the interests of the Greek community as a whole and the interests of individual members. Relations between the Greek community, Bey`s government and Russian consulate were friendly and respectful.

Keywords: Russian Empire, Tunisian regency, the Orthodox Greek community, Russian consulates in the Ottoman Empire, relations between Russia and Tunisia

Pages: С. 110–115

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