
From Babylon to Triparadeisos: the Minor Diadochoi in the Context of the Political History of the Early Hellenistic Period

Sviatoslav Smirnov

Vostok/Oriens '2015, №5

The present paper focuses on the issue of the involving of the so-called Minor Diadochoi into the process of political disintegration of the Alexander the Great’s empire. The principal attention is drawn to surveying of the lists of satrapies – arrangements which have been reached by the successors in 323 BC at Babylon and in 320 BC at Triparadeisos. The analysis of these lists and likewise Hieronymus’ account reveal the deep changes of power distribution that have gone throughout this short period.

Keywords: Hellenism, Diadochoi, Hieronymus of Cardia

Pages: С. 73–79

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