
Foreign-policy Caucasian Contractors of Kievan Rus’ during the Ninth–Tenth Centuries

Olga Kulikova

Vostok/Oriens '2016, №2

Rus’ already in the early period of its history supports the shaft very close political ties with the countries and peoples of the Caucasus. According to the author, these bonds initially implemented through an alliance with the Khazarian Khaganate, but after the defeat and the fall of its (in 969), Rus’ conducts an independent policy in Caucasus. Allies of Rus’ in this period were, as a rule, Derbent, Alans and Sarir.

Keywords: Ancient Rus’, Caucasus, Russian-Caucasian relations, Khazarian Khaganate, Shirvan, Derbent, Arran, Allans, Ases (Yases), Kasogs, Lezgies, Barda‘a (Berda‘a), Sarir, Kaytag (Khaydak)

Pages: С. 30–44

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