Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»


Worldview Basics of the Northern Korean Leadership’s Understanding of Security

Sergey Panarin , Natalya Stepanova

Vostok/Oriens '2015, №6

What the ruling elite perceives as a sort of the perfect condition of national security can help to disclose the worldview basics of an ideology, which it clings to and urges the ruled population to be shared by. In the Northern Korea, such sources were the guerilla experience of the first generation of its leaders, a thick Confucian layer in the heart of venerable cultural tradition, and the Korea-centered model of the Universe. It was just under their influence that the main constituencies of the Northern Korean ideology appeared, i.e. isolationism, deification of the national leader, Chuchkhe ideas and the Songun policy. Under the impact of those basics a rather trivial Korean nationalism took the place originally occupied by the Stalinist version of Marxism-Leninism.

Pages: 83-97

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