Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
Chinese way of humanity
In the modern world, the most ancient and at the same time the most advanced cultures form a global alternative, like psycho-somatic, sexual and all other binary opposites of the human body, human species and human society. Mutual polarity of Western (Euro-American, Indo-Iranian, Arab-Muslim) and Eastern (Chinese) cultures has profound anthropological, not only the social, historical and cultural roots, to put it in fundamental differences of languages, writing types, the language pictures of the world, psychological types, socio-cultural norms, religious and philosophical systems, and possibly reflecting various features of emergence of Homo sapiens in two different and widely separated regions of the globe. Like the globe, the human world has two poles and one of its poles almost all of human history was and in the twenty first century will be China. Chinese book of books “The Canon of Changes” (“I Ching”) is the predecessor of the binary code of computer programs, and Chinese characters are a contender for the role of the language of international communication on the Internet. The modern world is visualized, pictures triumph over the words and ancient culture of hieroglyphic images finds a second youth. Scientific understanding of this it is necessary to adequately correlate the real «clash of civilizations» with the perfect “dialogue of cultures”.
Keywords: China, West, Russia, Сhinese studies, sinology, cultural studies, аnthropology, globalistics, culture, civilization, duality, binary
Pages: С. 16–27