Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
Memories of Nikolai Ostroumov about Alexander Kun: publication with the introduction and commentary
Acquaintance of Nikolai Petrovich Ostroumov and Alexander Lyudvigovich Kun, who started their careers in the Turkistan region, was due not so scientific but professional interests. Both orientalists were invited by the Empire authorities to begin Russian education in the region. The Central State Archive of Uzbekistan has a private fund of the famous orientalist Nikolai Petrovich Ostroumov. The documents of the fund concern the history of Turkistan. An important part of the documents includes memories, which concern particular events, processes, and people. The obituary notice of A. Kun on November 22 1888 in the newspaper “TurkistanGazette” encouraged N. Ostroumov to write his “Memories”. The author gives details of career of A. Kun through the prism of his personality. “Memories” by N. Ostroumov reveals the relationships in various social strata and influence of people on events in history.
Keywords: Alexander Ludvigovich Kun, a private fund of N.P. Ostroumov, memories, educational affairs, seminary of teachers, Turkistan region, Orientals, Central State archive of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Pages: С. 172–191