
Jewish Sciences of the Solkhat-Crimea in the thirteenth–fourteenth centuries

Marc Kramarovskiy

Vostok/Oriens '2016, №5

The paper analyses the first tool plan of the ancient settlement of medieval Solkhat of 1783. Rabbanite and Karaime lived there in the thirteenth–fourteenth centuries. Their neighbours were an Islamic community of the city. The centre of a Judaic community perhaps developed in pre-settlement period, i.e. some decades prior to the 1260th. From the point of view of city structure, the population of the Jewish quarters constituted a single community. Language of ritual and stone epitaphs for all members of a community was Hebrew. Turkish dialects became the language of household communication. According to monetary finds, the synagogue of Solkhat may be dated from the 1260–1280.

Keywords: Crimea, Solkhat, Karaimes, Rabbanites,, Jewish community, synagogue, archaeology

Pages: С. 6–24

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