
Crimean Muslims in new political realities

Elmira Muratova

Vostok/Oriens '2016, №5

The article presents a situation analysis of the Muslim community of the Crimea (represented mainly by the Crimean Tatars) after the change of its political and legal status in spring 2014. The three key moments important for the understanding of the situation were identified. Among them are the demographic composition of the Crimea, the role of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis and historical memory of the Crimean Tatars. The following blocks were analyzed: the communication of the Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of the Crimea (SAMC) with the Crimean Tatar Mejlis and the regional authorities, ideological currents and movements inside the Muslim community, Muslim education and the interethnic and interfaith relations in the peninsula. Three possible scenarios of the situation development – optimistic, pessimistic and realistic were also presented at the end.

Keywords: Muslims, Crimea, Islam, SAMC, Mejlis

Pages: С. 163–171

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