Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
After Postmodernism: Near Eastern dimension of one trend
The article deals with the problem of a new development strategy of the Near and Middle East in the situation of a global change of the world politics. The end of the postmodern period of the human history seems the key trend of this global change. The postmodern age has lasted last twenty-fifty years. It has been characterized by the rejection of big narratives, erosion of the ideologies, establishing of a number of hybrid political regimes, and in the common world view by the rejection of strategic vision and “abolition of the future”. The new age can be nominated as a period of a “new sincerity”. The demand of a new strategic vision is going together with the renaissance of some archaic social practices and ideological approaches, from the one side, and with the use of postmodern tools and methods of the organizing of socio-political space, on the other. The necessity of creation of a new view of the future and new principles of the world politics becomes urgent in these circumstances. The Near and Middle East can play a key role in these processes.
Keywords: Near East, Middle East, Postmodernism, Neo-modern, conflicts, DAISH, ideology, world politics
Pages: С. 25–37