Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
Late Meroitic ceramics of Abu Erteila: a problem of existence of local pottery workshops in the Meroe Region
DOI: 10.7868/S086919081705003X
The article analyzes the ceramic material of Abu Erteila, the archaeological site of Meroitic civilization (Northern Sudan) relating to the third century B.C. – fifth century A.D. The comparative analysis with pottery of others sites (Hamadab, Awlib) of the southern suburbs of the Meroe shows morphological similarity of ceramic types but the material for their production was not always identical. It could be Nile silt clays, wadi clays and kaolinite clays. Silts wares dominated at Hamadab Nile. In Abu Erteila, the majority of vessels were made of wadi clay from Wadi el-Hawad. Studying of features of clay fabrics from Abu Erteila and pot-marks on large tubular jars raises the question of pottery workshop near the temple and administrative complex of Abu Erteila that used the local wadi clay for manufacturing. It is possible to assume that each settlement of Meroitic capital area could have its own pottery workshop using local raw materials. At the same time products of others workshops, firstly luxury kaolinite fine wares, were also brought to settlements.
Keywords: Ancient Sudan, Abu Erteila, Meroe, ceramics, ancient wares, production
Pages: С. 26–36