Journal «Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost» (Vostok (Oriens))

Journal «Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost» (Vostok (Oriens))Journal “Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost'' (Vostok (Oriens))

Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS

12 Rozhdestvenka, 107031, Moscow, Russian Federation

e-mail: vostokauct@gmail.com (for authors)

Publication frequency: 6 issues per year 

ISSN 0869-1908

Russian Catalogue Number 70600


Organ of the
Department of History and Philology, Russian Academy of Sciences


Indexed by Russian Science Citation Index


Publisher – Institute of Oriental Studies RAS


2018 year's №3

Kuznetsov V. Strengthening of statehood in the Middle East in the context of the theory of social orders

Mishin D. Banū Iyād during the Pre-Islamic times

Lysenko V. Criticizm of the Nyāya definition of perception in ŚrīharṢa’s KhaṆḌanakhaṆḌakhādya

Pochekaev R. State and law of Bukhara and Khiva in the first half of the nineteenth century in views of Russian and British travellers

Yakubov Y. Few Remarks on the appearance of Jews in Tashkent and Kokand

Zhirova N. Santokh Singh Dhardeo and his role in history of the Gadar Party

Karasova T. Six-Day War of 1967 in the light of new data

Kostelyanets S. , Denisova T. Uganda: from the Holy Spirit Movement to the Lord's Resistance Army: Remarks on Christian terrorism in Africa

Blinov A. Arabic Language Academy in Damascus

Krylova A. History, structure and origin of the autochtonal scripts for Munda languages

Kamenev S. History of demographic processes in Pakistan

Meliantsev V. , Gorozhankina A. South Korea’s miracle, or not gods but humans make pots

Tsvetkova N. , Ivanova S. Megatrends of the global economy and international business - 2017 (Conference Review)

Vanina E. , Glushkova I. , Sidorova S. Servants and Lords in South Asia (2017)

Pechishcheva L. , Zakharov A. One Hundred Anniversary of Indira Gandhi (2017)

Aristova L. , Semenova N. The “One Belt and One Road” and its Dimensions project

Panarina D. South Pacific Region in the Past and Present: history, economy, politics, and culture (2017)

Goriaeva L. Seventh Conference “Written sources of the Orient: translation and interpretation problems” (2017)

Sabirov R. The Conference of the Japanese Association for Mongolian Studies (2017)

Ul'chenko N. , Boldyrev A. Political transformations in the Near and Middle East: the case of Turkey (2017)

Alayev L. Review of: Sovetskaia Rossiia v bor'be za “Afganskii koridor” (1919–1925). Sbornik dokumentov (Soviet Russia in the Struggle for the Afghan Corridor, 1919–1925: Documents). Ed. Yu.N. Tikhonov (in Russian). Moscow: Kvadriga, 1917. 531 pp., ill.

Zakharov A. Review of: Leonid B Alayev. Srednevekovaia Indiia. Istoriia: politicheskaia, sotsial'naia, ekonomicheskaia, kul'turnaia (Medieval India: A History: political, social, economic, and cultural). 2nd Ed., revised & enlarged (in Russian). Moscow: URSS–Lenand, 2018. 280 pp. ISBN 978-5-9710-4930-2

Zheleznova N. Review of: Irina Glushkova & Eugenia Vanina (eds.) Pod nebom Iuzhnoi Azii. Khula i khvala: kommunikativnye modal'nosti istoricheskogo i kul'turnogo svoeobraziia (Under the Sky of South Asia: Defamation and Praising: Communicative Modalities of Historical and Cultural Uniqueness (in Russian)). Moscow: Nauka – Vostochnaia literatura, 2017. 927 pp.: ill. ISBN 978-5-02-039789-7

Mamedova N. Review of: U.V. Okimbekov. Ekonomika Afganistana (proizvodstvennaia infrastruktura) (Economy of Afghanistan: Productive Infrastructure (in Russian)). Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies. 2016. 446 pp.

Kuzmin S. Review of: Yang Haiying. The Truth about the Mongolian Genocide during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Shizuoka: Center for Research on Asia, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2017, 76 pp., ill.

Goriaeva L. Review of: Vladimir Braginsky. The Turkic-Turkish Theme in Traditional Malay Literature: Imaging the Other to Empower the Self. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2015. xviii, 284 pp. ISBN 978-9004290709 (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, vol. 301)

Leonid Aleksandrovich Sedov (1934–2018)

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