Fictional romance philology code of Canan Tan
Maria Repenkova
Vostok/Oriens '2018, №2
DOI: 10.7868/S0869190818020103
Serious structural changes took place in the Turkish literature during the last fifty years. By 1980s, realistic literature (“social realism”, social-psychological and subjective-psychological proses) demonstrated signs of code wearing and actually came to naught. Its place was immediately occupied by aggressive competitors—post-modernism and mass philology. These literary styles subverted literature into the darkness of the collective unconscious (post-modernism) and into the heap of commodity money (mass reading-matter). However, the post-modernist “mainstream” began running low by 2010. Only mass literature and becoming stronger so called “middle-literature”/fiction remain steadfast. The article investigates the romanticism fiction paradigm (fiction code) of Canan Tan (born in 1951), the most famous Turkish fiction writer. Her novel “Toska” (2013) shows that the fiction code is revealing in the author’s clear position, in the repeating characters’ types, in fixing details of everyday life (poetics of daily occurrence), in the arranging “eternal” problems, as well as in stylistic layers polyphony (magic tale, sentimental and historical novels, and so on). Certain formulations and stylistic uncertainty of the text do not prevent narrative layer to provide exactness of characters’ psychological motivation and subject dynamics.
Keywords: Turkish fiction, Canan Tan, novel “Hasret”, signs of the fiction code, historical component of the novel
Pages: С. 113–121