The Mayotte regionalism and the Comoros federalism
Khristina Turinskaya
Vostok/Oriens '2018, №2
DOI: 10.7868/S0869190818020127
The article explores the controversy over Mayotte with regard to the domestic situation in the Union of the Comoros and to France`s activity in the regional politics. Three islands of the former French colony Comoros—Grande Comore, Anjouan, and Moheli—formed a sovereign state in 1975. Mayotte, the fourth island of the archipelago, has been integrated into the political and administrative structure of the French Republic. The island remains a subject of the Union of the Comoros’ territorial claims to Paris. The article also deals with the phenomenon of Mayotta regionalism, its impact on the Comorian federal system, and analyses the reasons of the failure of political reunification in the Comoros.
Keywords: Union of the Comoros, Mayotte, France, regionalism, federalism
Pages: С. 131–141