Some aspects of the history of the Tashkent Branch of the State Bank (1875–1917)
Bakhtiyor Alimdjanov
Vostok/Oriens '2018, №2
DOI: 10.7868/S0869190818020140
The article deals with the creation and activities of the Tashkent Branch of the State Bank – the first financial institution in the Turkestan general-governorate, in 1875–1917. The author, on the basis of archival documents, shows that the Tashkent branch of the State Bank played an important role in the financial life of Turkestan. The article uses the reports of the directors of the Tashkent Branch of the State Bank, as well as the audit data of the Branch representatives of the Central Board of the State Bank. The statistical data of financial operations of the Tashkent branch of the State Bank are also analyzed in the article.
Keywords: State Bank, Tashkent branch, Turkestan region, companies, loans, usury, financial system
Pages: С. 151–158