Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»


Ethnicity and Violence in the Modern World: the Case of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Vitaly Naumkin , Anastasia Voronkova

Vostok/Oriens '2014, №2

This article explores the relationship between ethnic identity and violent conflict focusing primarily on the Israeli-Palestinian case. Drawing on a wide array of ethnic conflicts and framing theories we suggest that the ethnic frame is the most widely acceptable and easily legitimating tool in contemporary conflicts. We further sketch an inventory of framing elements acting as discursive mobilising devices in the Israeli-Palestinian confrontation. We conclude that both the prevailing positivist-rationalist analytical accounts focusing on interest-based, security-related policies and the constructivist alternative concentrating on identity-based issues are helpful for understanding the true nature of the link between ethnicity and violence.

Keywords: ethnicity, violence, framing, conflict, identity construction, intergroup boundaries

Pages: С. 5–9