Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»


2014 year's №2

Naumkin V. , Voronkova A. Ethnicity and Violence in the Modern World: the Case of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Bondarenko D. Communality: A Fundamental Principle of Sub-Saharan Africa’s Historical, Cultural, and Socio-Political Tradition

Tishin V. A Note on the Dual Structure of Power of Turkic Khaganate

Dudin P. Mongolian Alashan Republic as a Political Project of the 1940s

Zavadovskaya S. The Role of the Magazine “Al-Nafais” (1908–1914) in Promoting Russian Literature in the Middle East

Tsvetov P. Tran Van Giau, A Historian and a Revolutionary (1911 – 2010)

Pavlova M. Hymns of Tamil Bhakti Poets and Their Audience: the Text and Its Context

Repenkova M. Turkish Detective Novel (Background)

Borisova E. History of Confl ict over Water Resources in Central Asia in the Post-Soviet Era

Balakhvantsev A. A Note on the Origins of the Toponym Partava

Osmakov I. Old Beijing as Described by the Chiefs of the Russian Orthodox Mission

Samak a. Some Aspects of the Saudi-US Cooperation in the Reign of King Faisal (mid-1960s – early 1970s

Kasayev E. Saudi Oil is the Basis of the Economy of the Country

Zelenyj V. Fighting Terrorism in Israel: Conceptual Framework and Institutional Structure

Kormysheva E. , Malykh S. , Fantusati E. Abu Erteila – A New Administrative Centre of the Meroitic Empire

Zakharov A. The Inscription of Devānīka from Văt Luong Kău K.365: A Translation into Russian with a Commentary

Sharafetdinova A. American Historiography about United States policy in Korea in the late 19th and early 20th centuries

Skorokhodova T. Review of: Dasgupta Subrata. The Bengal Renaissance: Identity and Creativity from Rammohun Roy to Rabindranath Tagore. 2nd impression. New Delhi: Permanent Black, 2012. 280 p.

Khlebnikova L. Review of: Israel аnd the United States: Six Decades оf USA-Israeli Relations. Ed. by R.O. Freedman. Colorado: Westview Press, 2012. 304 p.