
American Historiography about United States policy in Korea in the late 19th and early 20th centuries

Vostok/Oriens '2014, №2

Most contemporary American historiographical concept emerged in the early period of Far Eastern policy of the United States. A thorough study of the most significant writings of American historians about early American-Korean relationship (late 19th century – 2000’s) allowed the author to make a conclusion that there were two main different historiographical accounts on the United States policy in Korea in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Historians of dominated “idealistic account” emphasize political role of the United States in the lives of “closed nations” in East Asia in the late 19th century such as Korea. They interpret the role of the United States during this period as the role of a defender of a semi-tributary nation from invasions of Russia and China. Historians of Political Realism School stress on ideology of colonial policy of the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Keywords: history of Korea, American-Korean Treaty, Far Eastern policy of the USA, opening of Korea, American historiography

Pages: С. 173–183

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