Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
The influence of political factors on border trade and economic relations of Russia and Afghanistan (1900–1914)
Sergey Panin
The article analyzes the content and character of Russian-Afghan border trade and economic relations in the beginning of the twentieth century. It shows the significant influence of political factors, including signed the Anglo-Russian agreement of 1907, on these trade and economic relations. It analyzes the main problems of bilateral economic relations, the active and specific role of the Bukhara Emirate as a mediator in them. A prominent place in the article is given to the analysis of the role of the Russian business community in the economic relations with Afghanistan.
Keywords: Bukhara, Great Britain, Trans-Caspian region, customs, zakat, duty, tariffs, cotton, Termez, The Russian Export company, merchants
Pages: С. 28–43