Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»


2017 year's №1

Fursov K. Geopolitics or economy? The correlation of the goals of Anglo-Russian expansion in Central Asia in the nineteenth century

Panin S. The influence of political factors on border trade and economic relations of Russia and Afghanistan (1900–1914)

Aslanova S. Macedonian factor in the Russian-Ottoman relations in the beginning of the twentieth century (as evidenced by the Turkish archives)

Asadov F. Sul and Chola: two place names on the opposite sides of the Caspian Sea in the sixth–seventh centuries CE

Sattarova L. The Seljuk minbar from Siirt

Levchenko E. System of colour terms in the ancient Japanese language

Landa R. Bourguiba and Bourguibism

Ivanchenko O. Formal and informal foundations of trust in mutual help groups of Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) Residents

Zabrovskaya L. The “opening of South Korea” as an inevitable issue

Sayfullaev D. India – Uzbekistan diplomatic and economic relations: a historical overview

Malykh S. Field researches by the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS: Conference Review

Bondar N. , Kulkova O. Eastern and Central European Nations and Africa: their relations in the past and present: Conference review

Astaf E. Russian interests in the Asia-Pacific Region and perspectives of Russia–ASEAN relations: Conference Review

Grishina N. Global warming and its consequences for social and economic developments of African nations: Conference Review

Pak A. Christianity in South and East Asia: Conference Review

Yangutov L. Gesar King’s cult in Buddhist and Tengrist tradition of the peoples of Inner Asia: Conference Review

Karimova A. Review of: Voskresenskii A.D. (ed.), Mirovoe kompleksnoe regionovedenie. Vvedenie v spetsial'nost'. Uchebnik. Moscow: Magistr Infra-M., 2014, 2015, 448 pp.; Voskresenskii A.D. (ed.), Mirovoe kompleksnoe regionovedenie. Uchebnik. Moscow: Magistr Infra-M.,

Review of: E.E. Nosenko-Stein. “Peredaite ob etom detiam vashim, a ikh deti sleduiushchemu rodu”. Kul'turnaia pamiat' u rossiiskikh evreev v nashi dni. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo MBA, 2013. 575 pp.

Kosach G. Review of: V.A. Akhmadullin. Deiatel'nost' sovetskogo gosudarstva i dukhovnykh upravlenii musul'man po organizatsii palomnichestva (1944–1965). Moscow: Islamskaia kniga, 2016. 203 pp.

Review of: E.P. Pir-Budagova. Istoriia Sirii. XX vek. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS, 2015. 392 pp.

Burov V. Review of: V.P. Zhuravleva. Bibliografiia Kitaia. Moscow: Forum, 2015. 704 pp.

Maria Nikolaevna Orlovskaia (1926–2016): Obituary