Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»


Macedonian factor in the Russian-Ottoman relations in the beginning of the twentieth century (as evidenced by the Turkish archives)

Sevilya Aslanova

Vostok/Oriens '2017, №1

The article attempts to track dynamics of the Russian-Turkish relations during the crisis in the Macedonian provinces of the Ottoman Empire, and also to allocate the most important aspects, influencing the change of character of the Russian-Turkish attitudes towards the beginning of the twentieth century. The article sheds light to the role of Russia and other great powers, resolving the situation in Macedonia, the reasons of aggravation of situation in Macedonian provinces in detail, considers the versions of the solution of the Macedonian problem and the main stages of the reforms which were carried out for the purpose of improvement of position of the Christian population.

Keywords: Macedonian provinces, the Ottoman Empire, Russia, rebel movements, reforms

Pages: С. 44–56