Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
The “opening of South Korea” as an inevitable issue
The article aims to study changing of the USSR policy toward the countries of the Korean peninsula during the period of the perestroika (1985–1991). There are shown difficulties of overcoming of Soviet leaders’ ideological inertia, and other political factors interfering with further development of the Soviet - South Korean relations. Among the important results of “the discovery of South Korea” were strengthening of influence of South Korean business on economy of the Far East regions of the USSR, growth of bilateral trade, and the volume of South Korean investments. “The opening of South Korea” seems historically inevitable. Its results have had a positive impact on the international situation in Northeast Asia, have expanded the range of economic contacts, and did contribute to Soviet foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region.
Keywords: the USSR, Gorbachev, the Republic of Korea, Ro Dae Wu, the DPRK, economical relations
Pages: С. 131–141