Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
Journal «Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost» (Vostok (Oriens))
Journal “Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost'' (Vostok (Oriens))
Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS
12 Rozhdestvenka, 107031, Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: vostokauct@gmail.com (for authors)
Publication frequency: 6 issues per year
ISSN 0869-1908
Russian Catalogue Number 70600
Organ of the
Department of History and Philology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Indexed by Russian Science Citation Index
Publisher – Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
2014 year's №5
Drobyshev Y. “The Tumu Crisis” and Its Heroes in the Light of Sacred Character of Supreme Power
Volovich A. Symbolism of the Frog Image under the Boat Msktt in the New Kingdom
Chereshneva L. The Failed Visit of the Pakistan Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan to the Soviet Union in 1949
Salitsky A. , Semenova N. Russia and China in Eurasia: Strategic Partnership with Elements of Competition
Gerasimova M. Notes on the History of Museums in Japan
Krylov A. Phrases as the Reflection of Linguistic and Cultural Characteristics of Arabic and Russian Speech
Smirnova M. Indian Influence on the Formation of Traditional Tibetan Linguistics Grammatical Terminology
Pylypenko V. Transformation of the Soviet-Iranian Relations since the Islamic Revolution
Hodunov A. Demographic Dynamics in Iran (1979–2013)
Davidson A. , Filatova I. Soviet Delegation in South Africa: Reminiscences of the First Eyewitnesses
Mikulsky D. In the Homeland of the Legendary al-Kahina
Komissaruk E. The Ladakhi Language and the History of Its Study
Kadyrov S. , Brusina O. , Scarboro I. Review of: Kaukaz: transformacja, przywodstwa i elit politycznych. T. VI. Kaukaz: mechanizmy legitymizacji i funkcjonowania elit politycznych. T. VII. Redakcja naukowa T. Bodio. Warszawa: Ofi cyna Wydawnicza ASPHA-JR, 2012. S. 351; S. 479 (Seria “Vladza, elity, przywodztwo”)