
Issue of Vostok/Oriens for 2017 year

№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6

2017 year's №4

Landa R. The 1917 Russian Revolutions and the Arab World

Alayev L. Ritual foundations of the Jajmani System in Indian villages

Tretyakova M. The “irregular beauty” of things in Japan and Korea: “natural” and “emotional” package design

Korotayev A. , Zinkina J. The Great Divergence of the Eighteenth Century?

Nazemtseva E. The politic and legal status of the Russian emigration in the Soviet-Chinese relations in the second half of 1920s

Goriaeva L. The narrator’s image in Malay traditional prose and its evolution

Frolova M. Tiger as a symbol in the Indonesian novel “Man-tiger” by Eka Kurniawan (2004)

Shyerbakova A. The subject-object Carnival organization in Haldun Taner’s novels

Drugov A. Abdurrahman Wahid – Fourth President of Indonesia: Islam and democracy are compatible

Bektimirova N. The International Khmer Rouge Tribunal: unavoidable retribution

Dyakov N. Libya from decolonisation to disintegration: on the oil waves of globalization

Lebedeva I. Japanese labour market: diversification of forms of employment

Timonina I. Japanese strategy of innovative development: towards the fourth industrial revolution

Zarubina E. Hevrat Shomrim la-Boker Minute Book: Composition of the manuscript and primary characteristics of the community

Kobzev A. , Dmitriev S. 46th Conference “Society and State in China” (2016)

Astaf E. Southeast Asia and the South Pacific Region: current trends (2016)

Tyulina E. George de Roerich Memorial Conference-2016

Smirnitskaya A. Languages of South and Southeast Asia (2016)

Kitova A. Tatiana Savelyeva’ Centenary Conference (2016)

Prozhogina S. Roundtable “Politics and Culture” in the Institute of Oriental Studies (2016)

Basharin P. Review of: D.E. Mishin. Khosrov I Anushirvan (531–579), ego epokha i ego zhizneopisanie i pouchenie v istorii Miskaveikha. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2014. 696 pp.

Tishin V. Review of: D.E. Mishin. Khosrov I Anushirvan (531–579), ego epokha i ego zhizneopisanie i pouchenie v istorii Miskaveikha. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2014. 696 pp.

Deich T. Review of: K.L. Syroezhkin. Xinjiang: bol'shoi vopros dlia Kitaia i Kazakhstana. Astana–Almaty, 2015. 336 pp.

Saharova E. Review of: S.A. Polkhov. Zakonodatel'nye ulozheniia Sengoku Daimyo. Issledovaniia i perevody. Moscow: Krug, 2015. 646 pp.

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