Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
2018 year's №4
Kobzev A. Sestina and hexachord, hexagram and hexaneme: about ancient forms of globalization
Sherstyukov S. Enver Pasha, Djemal Pasha and Talat Pasha between Moscow and Berlin (1918–1922)
Suvorova A. From the royal wet nurse (dāī) to the native nanny (āyā)
Sarabyev A. A sketch of the church life of the Russian Diaspora in Morocco in 1970s
Kutsenkov P. Traditional chiefs, joking kinship relations, and the state in the Republic of Mali
Bekjanova B. The role of jenge (Daughter-in-law) in the bride choosing and the Karakalpak folklore
Drugov A. Indonesia: twenty years of reforms
Borisova E. Development of Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Program: causes and consequences
Aleshin K. Place and role of Egypt and Algeria in Russia’s foreign economic policy
Kulikov A. Six letters by Pyotr Kafarov (Father Palladius) to Fyodor Osten-Sacken
Alayev L. Marxism and Oriental Studies
Kameneva M. , Fedorova I. Russia and Iran: five centuries of collaboration (2017)
Aristova L. , Semenova N. Realities and perspectives of the Silk Road Economic Belt
Sharafetdinova A. History of the Republic of Korea in the South Korean press (based on the materials of “Choson Ilbo” and “Busan Ilbo” for the first half of 2015)
Khazanov A. Review of: D.A. Mileev. Otnosheniia Iaponii i Germanii v XX veke: slozhnye poiski modus vivendi (Japanese-German Relations in the twentieth century: complex searches of modus vivendi). Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2017, 240 pp.
Polkhov S. Review of: Molodyakova E.V. Japan: The Total Victory of the Conservators: Selected Works: 2000–2016. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2017. 448 pp. (in Russian)
Orlova K. Review of: Leonid V. Kuras. Panmongolizm kak proiavlenie etnichnosti mongol'skogo mira v pervoi chetverti XX veka (Panmongolism as an Ethnic Marker of the Mongolian World in the first quarter of the twentieth century). Irkutsk: Ottisk, 2017. 188 pp.
Kuzmin S. , Oyuunchimeg J. Review of: O. Batsaikhan. IX Bogd Zhavzandamba khutagt. Am'dral ba tsag khugatsaa. Ulaanbaatar: Mөnkhiin Yseg, 2015, 766 pp.