Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
Journal «Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost» (Vostok (Oriens))
Journal “Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost'' (Vostok (Oriens))
Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS
12 Rozhdestvenka, 107031, Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: vostokauct@gmail.com (for authors)
Publication frequency: 6 issues per year
ISSN 0869-1908
Russian Catalogue Number 70600
Organ of the
Department of History and Philology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Indexed by Russian Science Citation Index
Publisher – Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
2017 year's №3
Valiakhmetova G. The Middle East in Digital Age: Globalization of Threats to Regional Security
Zvyagelskaya I. Conflicts in the Near East: trends and actors
Kuznetsov V. After Postmodernism: Near Eastern dimension of one trend
Yakovlev A. Civilizational dimension of international relations in the Near East in the twenty first century
Pustovoit E. Written documents of the Ryukyu Kingdom of the sixteenth–nineteenth centuries
Stolyarov A. Sources of the history of Bengal and Bihar from the eighth to twelfth centuries
Mahmudova N. The memoirs of Konstantin K. Pahlen “Mission to Turkestan, Being the Memoirs of Count K.K. Pahlen, 1908–1909”
Terentyev V. Correspondence of the Medieval Oirats and modern Western Mongols in historiography
Skorokhodova T. Genesis of Modern Indian Philosophy in the Bengal Renaissance
Kim N. , Khokhlova E. Evolution of the social situation of women in Korea: from traditional to modern society
Bustanov A. , Kemper M. Valiulla Iakupov’s “Traditional Islam”
Skorobogatykh N. Australian society and the Islamic terrorism
Panarin S. Transboundary migrations from the East to the West, to Russia and to the East in the past and present: Conference Review
Kamenev S. , Belokrenitsky V. , Mamedova N. , Oreshkova S. , Bo Juyi Conference “Muslim World on the boundaries of Russia”
Kameneva M. Conference "Iran and the West" (2016)
Usova E. A Western or Eastern Nation: the Case of Israel: 32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Israel Studies, June 20–22, 2016, Jerusalem
Tsvetkova N. Review of: V.A. Isaev, A.O. Filonik. Katar: tri stolpa rosta (sotsial'no-ekonomicheskii ocherk). Moscow: Institut vostokovedeniia RAN, 2015. 320 pp.
Andreeva S. Review of: Liang Zhe. Pravoslavie v kontekste sovremen-nogo rossiisko-kitaiskogo vzaimodeistviia (1949–2015). Moscow, 2016, 252 pp.