Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
Journal «Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost» (Vostok (Oriens))
Journal “Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost'' (Vostok (Oriens))
Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS
12 Rozhdestvenka, 107031, Moscow, Russian Federation
e-mail: vostokauct@gmail.com (for authors)
Publication frequency: 6 issues per year
ISSN 0869-1908
Russian Catalogue Number 70600
Organ of the
Department of History and Philology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Indexed by Russian Science Citation Index
Publisher – Institute of Oriental Studies RAS
2018 year's №2
Naumkin V. Some aspects of the diplomatic competition between the Soviet Union and Great Britain in Arabia in the 1920s
Kudoyarov V. The Nagasaki Harbour Incident (1808) and Marine Defense Concept in Japan
Skvortsova E. Japan, the West, and the problem of cultural reciprocity
Skorokhodova T. Buddhism in Social Thought of the Bengal Renaissance
Khakhalkina E. Africa in the plans of the Clement Attlee Government
Syrkin A. Apropos of the “Kamasutra” translation
Krylov A. The meta-logic techniques in Arabic oratorical speech
Repenkova M. Fictional romance philology code of Canan Tan
Ivanova I. , Turkey and Lebanon in regional relations at the present stage
Turinskaya K. The Mayotte regionalism and the Comoros federalism
Akimov A. Labour-saving technologies: Russian Orientalists discuss the future
Alimdjanov B. Some aspects of the history of the Tashkent Branch of the State Bank (1875–1917)
Zherlitsyna N. Africa and Africans in national, regional, and global dimensions (2017)
Belyakov V. The Fourth Conference “Archival Oriental Studies” (2017)
Lepekhov S. Traditions and Innovations in Central Asia (2017)
Kulikov A. “The Famous Triad of Russian Synology” (2017)
Sharafetdinova A. New achievements and perspectives of the study of Russian-Korean relations (2017)
Kim N. Problems of women rights in North Korea in the South Korean historiography: state-of-the-art review
Zakharov A. Review of: Oleg N. Rozanov. Aziia i Afrika v Pervoi mirovoi voine: istoriia v nagradakh (Asia and Africa in the First World War: A History in Awards and Decorations). Moscow: LK Media – Liubimaia kniga, 2016. 248 pp., ill. (in Russian) ISBN 978-1-932525-57-1
Akimov A. Review of: Victor G. Rastiannikov, Irina V. Deriugina. Sel'skoe khoziaistvo: Vostok vs Zapad. Dva tekhnologicheskikh sposoba proizvodstva (East versus West: Two technological modes of production). Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2017. 400 pp. (In Russian)
Vanina E. Review of: S.E. Sidorova. Indiiskii khlopok i britanskii interes. Oveshchestvlennaia politika v kolonial'nuiu epokhu (Indian Cotton and British Interest: Reified Policy in the Colonial Age). Moscow–Saint Petersburg: Nestor – Istoriia, 2016. 352 pp. (in Russian)
Mamedova N. Review of: A.I. Krugov, M.V. Nechitailov. Persidskaia armiia v voinakh s Rossiei. 1796–1828 gg. (Persian Army in the Russian-Persian Wars: 1796–1828). Moscow: Fond “Russkie vitiazi”. Ratnoe delo. 2016. 248 pp., ill. (in Russian)