Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»
2015 year's №4
Pronina Y. The Texts of the Pyramid of Pepi I: their Maintenance and Operation in the Space of the Tomb
Abdurasulov U. The Legal and Fiscal Dynamics of Land Tenure in Khorezm (the Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries)
Dudin P. The Administrative and Territorial Structure of Mengjiang State
Sarabyev A. , Antoshin A. Lebanon in the Early 1950s As Viewed by the Russian Anticommunist Emigrants
Strelkov A. The Corpus of the Kālacakra Teaching Basic Texts
Skvortsova E. The Japanese National Culture and the Japanese Identity in the Works of the Philosophers of the Twentieth Century
Suvorova A. Pakistani Nationalism as Expressed in Emblems, Symbols and Metaphors
Zvyagelskaya I. Archaization in the Arab World: After the Revolutions or Instead
Alieva A. USA and Turkey: Strategic Partnership during the Presidency of George W. Bush
Dolgov B. Islam in France: the Moslems and the Secular Republic
Ul'chenko N. The Evolution of the Status of the Central Bank of the Turkish Republic: the Issue of Institutional Maturity of Emerging Markets
Akimov A. Forecast Scenarios for the World Economy up to 2050
Yakovlev A. The East in the Early Twenty First Century: from Overtaking Modernization to Harmonious Modernization