Журнал «Восток (Oriens)»

Journal «Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost» (Vostok (Oriens))

Journal «Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost» (Vostok (Oriens))Journal “Vostok. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost'' (Vostok (Oriens))

Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS

12 Rozhdestvenka, 107031, Moscow, Russian Federation

e-mail: vostokauct@gmail.com (for authors)

Publication frequency: 6 issues per year 

ISSN 0869-1908

Russian Catalogue Number 70600


Organ of the
Department of History and Philology, Russian Academy of Sciences


Indexed by Russian Science Citation Index


Publisher – Institute of Oriental Studies RAS


2014 year's №6

Balcı B. Jamaat al Tabligh and Restoration of Religious Ties between the Indian Subcontinent and Central Asia

Lepekhova E. The Buddhist Sutras Text’s Perception in the Japanese Literary Tradition Setsuwa Bungaku (VIII–XIII Centuries)

Galkina E. A Note on the Interpretation of the Term saqaliba in Ibn Fadlan’s account

Ikhsanov A. Interrelations of the Turkmen Tribes of Teke and Yomut in the 18th –19th Centuries

Kupriyanova Y. Shanghai Women in the First Half of the Twentieth Century: From the “Triple Obedience” to Equality in Marriage

Ivanov S. The Fate of the Soviet Kurds

Astaf E. Singapore in Malaysia: Hopes and Disappointments (1963–1965)

Tsvetkova N. Industry-Produced Accident in Bhopal and Risks of Globalization

Shapovalov M. British Economic Interests in Palestine in the Late Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries

Grochovskij P. , Kramskova A. The Terminology Tibetan Theory of Letters

Zherlitsyna N. Orthodox Greek Community in Tunisia under the Auspices of the Russian Empire (Based on the Materials from the Archives of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire)

Shustova A. George Roerich about the Role of Buddhism in cultural unity of Asia

Pogadarv V. Literary Dialogue of Civilizations

, Golovacheva L. Sergey G. Eliseev’s Report about Formosa Prepared for the St.-Petersburg Oriental Studies Society (1915)

Rybalkina I. Review of: “Mama Africa”. Hommage à Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch. Éds. Ch. Chanson-Jabeur, O. Goerg. P.: L’Harmattan, 2005. 480 p.; Du genre et de l’Afrique. Hommage à Thérèse Locoh. Coord. J. Vallin. P.: Les éditions de l’INED, 2009. 666 p.

Tishin V. Review of: Fiikret Yildirim, Erhan Aydin, Riisbek Aliimov. Yeniisey–Kiirgiiziistan yazitlari ve irk biitiig. Ankara: BilgeSu, 2013. 512 s.